Skin Peel Treatments: Things You Should Know Before Undergoing One

skin peel treatment Australia

Skin peels are techniques used to improve the texture and tone of the skin. If you are undergoing a skin peel treatment in Australia for the first time, there are several things you must know.

How Do Face Peels Work?

Face peels involve the application of a chemical solutions to the skin to speed up the exfoliation process. Face peels help to remove the outer layer of the epidermis while accelerating the skin cell turnover. The skin peel treatment causes the skin to peel. The strength of the peel determines the length of the downtime, the number of layers of skin being peeled and the final result.

Professionals Are Always Best

When done at home, skin peels can go wrong; it can result in unbearable pain, increased pigmentation or even scarred skin. We at Drayton Cosmetics & Body Sculpting can help with our experience and trained professionals.

Preparing for the Treatment

To ensure your skin is prepared to undergo the tricky process of the treatment, you are required to prepare it using good skincare products. The skincare you want to choose may include a combination of vitamin C, retinol, glycolic and tyrosine inhibitor.

For most peels, you need to avoid any cosmeceutical retinol three days before the appointment. Be sure to check with your practitioner to learn about the pre and post-care guidelines for the type of skin peel you are considering.

When Should You Get a Peel?

Face peels can be performed any time of the season; make sure you are careful about following the post-care instructions. However, the best time to get a skin peel is winter, as it is easier to avoid harmful exposure to the sunlight.

Sunscreens Should be on Your Priority List

No matter which time of year you start the treatment, sunscreens are your best friend. Use sunscreen every day after undergoing the treatment to ensure ultimate protection and best results.

Looking After Your Skin Post-peel

Once the peel treatment is over, ensure you strictly follow the technician’s post-care recommendations. Also, avoid using heavy makeup and ingredients like retinol that could irritate your skin. Make sure the pores do not remain clogged after the treatment.

Who Can Get a Chemical Peel?

Based on your skin tone, we can use different treatments. Bulges, severe wrinkles and skin sags do not respond well to skin peels. If you have these skin concerns, you may want to consider surgical treatments or laser resurfacing. Consult a dermatologic surgeon who can help you determine the proper treatment for your specific situation.