4 Signs You Are Suffering from Skin Cancer You Are Missing Out

Australia is the only nation with the highest rate of skin cancer globally. Most people have a common notion that skin cancer can easily be spotted, but it is really? The early signs of skin cancer are subtle, and it is not easy to be diagnosed. So if you have any signs and are unsure whether you have skin cancer, you must visit an Australian skin cancer clinic where the experts will detect the symptoms and report them.

The best way to prevent serious issues related to skin cancer is to diagnose it from the early stages. If you know the early signs of cancer mentioned below, you can easily understand whether you are facing skin cancer symptoms.

If You Find That Mole Is Changing the Shape

If you have a mole in your body and suddenly realise that it is changing in shape, you do not know the reasons. Melanoma is the least common type of skin cancer, but it is the most life-threatening among all the variants. Melanoma can look like a regular mole with some distinctions in shape and colour.

If you find that the mole has an asymmetric shape, has an irregular and uneven border, unusual colour, and the mole’s diameter is more than 6 mm, you might be having melanoma. In addition, if you find that the mole is raised above the skin surface and is gradually larger than normal, you might be having skin cancer.

The Skin Changes When the Mole Gets Removed

Some people think that removing the mole will have no chance of getting affected by skin cancer. But it is not the fact. If the mole is cancerous, the skin will change as soon as it is removed, as the cancer cells penetrate deep inside the cells, even far below the origin of the mole. And when the mole is removed, any pigmentation can appear on or around the mole removal scar. You must book an appointment at a reputed Australian skin cancer clinic to have a skin check from the expert.

Causes Oozing and Itchiness On the Skin

Skin cancer can cause itching and oozing that will not go away so quickly. Often people misinterpret these signs as insect bites, and a mistake in identification can cause a delay in the overall treatment. If you have a dark coloured mole or lesion that starts to pain and starts to ooze and bleed, get it checked by the doctor as soon as possible.

Scaly Patches On the Skin

Some types of skin cancer can cause patches on the skin that the patient might feel dry, rough and scaly at the spot when the mole is touched. Sometimes, these patches are discoloured, but not all the time. However, if you see that the skin remains rough for a long time even after applying moisturiser, you might have skin cancer and need an immediate check-up.

At Drayton Medical, the expert provides thorough check-ups and treatment for skin cancer, and the doctors have several years of experience. Book an online appointment today.