chronic disease management

Ensuring improved Indigenous health is a national priority. We work in collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to develop and implement programs, strategies and initiatives to improve their health and wellbeing.

Access to culturally appropriate primary care provides better health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. In addition, simple modifications to aboriginal healthcare services can make Aboriginal people feel welcomed and at ease, improving their chances of recovery.

Overcoming broken trust and deep-rooted suspicion among Aboriginal people 

For many Aboriginal patients, staying in a sterile hospital environment conjures memories of racism and ill-treatment. They have much mistrust towards the existing health system because of their past & present experiences with mainstream healthcare services. Also, they feel reluctant to navigate an unfamiliar health system that might treat them aloof, especially if they do not follow standard rules.

For many Aboriginal patients, hospitals are equal to where you go to die. For them, it seems that going to the hospital means agreeing that their life is over.

This is what would be ideal for Aboriginal patients 

For a medical environment to work for Aboriginal people, it needs to overcome their perceived barriers. Offering flexible and culturally appropriate care is vital. Great solutions may include the following:

Medical Centre’s in Toowoomba need stable funding. Governments need to provide enough funding for Aboriginal health services to maintain the programs & solutions.

Hospitals must create an Aboriginal-friendly feel in the setup. For example, showcasing Aboriginal artworks helps Aboriginal people relax and connect with the atmosphere.

Help Aboriginal patients understand the disease they have. Most of them are unfamiliar with what has caused their condition. Try to use clear and simple language with fewer words and more pictures.

For traditional Aboriginal people, informed consent for medical procedures must come from the right person in the network of kinship & community relationships (not necessarily solely the patient).

Offer culturally appropriate resources. They may include maternity books & diaries designed exclusively for Aboriginal people.

Speak with them in their language. Thus, they can better understand the potential harms or benefits of the procedures prescribed or suggested.

Having culturally aware staff is essential. Train staff in the Aboriginal culture so they can respect and understand Aboriginal patients’ problems.

Healthcare providers should act in a culturally appropriate way. For instance, a woman might not feel comfortable being treated by a male caregiver.

Have low price treatments policies. This is because many patients tend to have very low or no income. Minimise stereotyping as much as possible.

Drayton Medical Centre recognised the need for Aboriginal-specific areas in healthcare settings. We know the culturally appropriate norms suitable for Aboriginal patients and families. This is why we constantly evaluate and monitor our services to determine whether the care we offer is effective or not.

We call out the attention of aboriginal people in Australia as our health care services are tailored to their individual needs. Learn more about our practices and policies regarding Aboriginal people’s health and welfare.