Ultrasound therapy involves using sound waves—with wavelength over the range of hearing—to treat injuries, including muscle strains and cramps. For years, it has been used to detect and treat various musculoskeletal issues, including muscle spasms, tissue injuries, and other residual pain.

There are many types of therapeutic ultrasound, using sound waves of different intensities and frequencies with the common intention to stimulate or provoke the tissue in the affected area.

In conjunction with various hospitals and medical clinics, ultrasound physiotherapy in Toowoomba has been very effective in treating patients with various ailments involving muscle strains and musculoskeletal discomfort of various kinds, especially those involving the lower back.

Possible Reasons

This form of therapy is highly effective for swollen muscles, using heat to induce relaxation with various levels of effectiveness to help alleviate muscle pain while lymph blood flow to the affected area.

Working Principle

The best way to describe ultrasound therapy is to imagine tiny, handheld probes smeared with a particular gel or cream and held over or around the problem area. The probe vibrates, which sends waves through the skin and into the body. These waves then cause the underlying tissue to vibrate, which can have a variety of possible benefits. For example, this increased lymph flow is known to fight infection, encourage healing, and remove excess fluid. These factors combine to form an effective treatment for swelling and inflammation of the muscles, joints, and ligaments.

Possible Benefits

In addition to heating and relaxing the muscles, ultrasound therapy helps to break down scar tissue and increase blood flow. This combines to improve healing rates in affected areas, speed up the slow healing in chronically affected areas, and encourage the repair of damaged bones.

Treating Low Back Pain?

Low back pain is a commonly reported musculoskeletal ache that is frequently recurrent and intensely persistent. According to recent studies, it averages 65% for one-year prevalence and 84% for lifetimes prevalence. Ultrasound therapy is used in physiotherapy to treat low back pain, resulting in relief on various levels. In addition, it is utilised by osteopaths, chiropractors, and sports therapists in multiple capacities.

The working principle involves delivering energy to deep tissue sites through ultrasonic waves that produce increases in tissue temperature or non-thermal physiologic changes. The ultrasonic waves can be propagated through two modes: continuous waves or pulsing waves. The former involves the delivery of constant (non-stop) waves throughout the treatment period. The latter involves an interrupted delivery.

The results for such treatment were very mixed, involving very effective results in some whereas little benefit in others. A common point in all cases was a relaxation of muscles and a reduction of pain. Regarding long-term benefits, ultrasound therapy does not have quite the expected effectiveness; however, if combined with suitable physiotherapeutic exercises or physical regimens like yoga, the results are entirely satisfactory and very effective in a few cases.

At Drayton Medical, we constantly strive to provide the most optimal treatment for all our patients with customised treatments for their respective ailments. Our experienced doctors provide personalised care for problems that a GP would typically only check or diagnose. Our treatment radius covers the surrounding suburbs with a professional and specialised team of friendly and hardworking staff, including DraytonNobby, CambooyaWestbrookWyreema, and Greenmount. Contact us now to make a booking now!!